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Defibtech Lifeline

Defibtech Lifeline AED Adult Pads

For use with the Defibtech Lifeline AED range, these adult electrode pads have a shelf-life of 18-24 months.

Call for details 01204-676180
SKU: DE2026 Categories: ,


Always be ready in an emergency. Electrode pads are one use only pieces of equipment, and a spare pair prepares you for any issues that could occur. For example: if pads become dirty or damaged during the rescue process, they would not successfully give patients the treatment they need. With a shelf life of up to 2 years, a spare pair of Defibtech Lifeline AED Adult Defibrillation Pads can protect the people around you for a long time.

Pad features

  • Protective foil packaging with easy to tear top keep pads clean and secure
  • Pre-connected by design — so the pads can be checked during automated daily self tests
  • Pre-connection saves time in an emergency situation — no fuss connecting the pads
  • Clean and clear images help untrained First Responders to apply the pads correctly
  • For use with any of the Defibtech Lifeline AED range of defibrillators

How to use

Once the electrode pads are removed from the foil packet, there are clear images on the reverse of the pads. These show you where on to place pads on the patient for effective cardiac arrest treatment.

When attached to the patient, the pads evaluate the condition of the heart muscle and relay the information to the defibrillator. This information is analysed and the unit decides if defibrillator treatment is required.

If the patient shows signs of either Ventricular Tachycardia or Ventricular Fibrillation, the defibrillator will prepare to deliver shock therapy. It can either administer the shock itself (automatic AED) or the First Responder can press a button to conduct the treatment (semi automatic AED).