Audiometer & Spirometer Training

Surveillance Audiometry and Hearing Conservation (3 days – 21 Points)
P&A Medical Ltd in conjunction with AlbaCare will be holding this nationally recognised course designed to provide competence based training & assessment for the ‘Occupational Health Professional’.
- The Course Syllabus is approved by The British Society of Audiology.
- The course meets the definitions of competency as defined in the HSE Document MS26 & covers the new HSE Categorisation Guidelines.
Aims of the course
- To provide delegates with the knowledge to carry out screening Audiometry and evaluate results
- To introduce delegates to the principles of hearing conservation in the workplace
- To provide an overview of the Controlling Noise @ Work Regs.2004
Venue and mode of delivery
- Course duration: 3 days
- *Cost : £ 629.00 excluding VAT
- The Conference Suite ( Training Wing )
- P&A Medical Ltd, The Coach House, Duxbury Park, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 4AT
- SAVE £50 when booking Spirometry and Audiometry full courses together (for the same delegate on the same week)
A practical and written assessment will take place on day 3 and successful delegates will receive a Certificate of Competence
For further information and to request a booking form please email, or call 01204 676180.
Available training dates
Spirometry at Work (2 days- 14 Points)
This course provides training and assessment for Occupational Health Professionals seeking knowledge that will allow them to carry out spirometry screening in a competent and effective manner. It is designed to meet the requirements as laid down in the H.S.E. document MS25.
Aims of the course
- To provide the delegate with the knowledge to carry out lung function screening and evaluate the results.
- To introduce the delegate to the principles of prevention/early detection of Occupational Lung Disease.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this course the delegate will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.
- Be knowledgeable about the effects of irritants and sensitisers on the human body and the respiratory system in particular.
- Be proficient in carrying out lung function screening tests.
- Demonstrate proficiency in interpretation of results
- Know when to refer to a Doctor.
- Describe the measures required to implement the COSHH Regulations in relation to Occupational Lung Disease.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the actions required to reduce the risk of Occupational Lung Disease to the lowest level reasonably practicable.
- Understand the principles of good record keeping.
Who should attend
- Occupational Health Professionals.
- Safety Professionals
Venue and Mode of Delivery
- Course Duration: 2 days.
- *Cost: £ 399.00 excluding VAT
- The Conference Suite ( Training Wing )
- P&A Medical Ltd, The Coach House, Duxbury Park, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 4AT
- SAVE £50 when booking Spirometry and Audiometry full courses together (for the same delegate on the same week)
A practical and written assessment will take place on day 2 and successful delegates will receive a Certificate of Competence
For further information please contact our sales team on 01204 676180 or email
Available training datesAudiometry Refresher Course (1 day – 7 Points)
This course provides up-date training in audiometry for Occupational Health Professionals
Aims of the course
- To provide delegates with the knowledge to carry out industrial audiometry
- To remind delegates to principles of hearing conservation in the workplace
- To provide an overview of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the effects of noise on the hearing mechanism
- Demonstrate the ability to explain the role of the questionnaire prior to audiometric testing
- Demonstrate the ability to explain appropriate audiometric testing process to clients, ensuring their understanding
- Demonstrate the ability to perform industrial audiometric testing
- Understand the principles of a good record keeping system
- *Cost £ 309.00 excluding VAT
*Prices do not include travel or accommodation costs. Refreshments and lunch are included on each full day of training.
Available training datesSpirometry Refresher Course (1 day – 7 Points)
This course provides training for Occupational Health Professionals seeking knowledge that will allow them to carry out spirometry screening.
Aims of the course
- To provide the delegate with the knowledge to carry out lung function screening and evaluate results
- To introduce the delegate to the principles of prevention/early detection of Occupational Lung Disease
Learning outcomes
- On completion of this course the delegate will:
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
- Be knowledgeable about the effects of irritants and sensitisers on the human body in particular
- Be able to carry out lung function screening tests
- Be able to interpret results
- Know when to refer to Doctor/Occupational Health Nurse
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the actions required to reduce the risk of Occupational Lung Disease to the lowest level reasonably practicable
- Understand the principles of good record keeping
- *Cost £ 309.00 excluding VAT
Who should attend?
- Occupational Health Professionals
- Safety Professionals
The Conference Suite ( Training Wing )
P&A Medical Ltd, Duxbury Hall Road, Duxbury Park, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 4AT
*Prices do not include travel or accommodation costs. Refreshments and lunch are included on each full day of training.
Available training dates