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GM Instruments EARS

£595.00 ex. VAT

Call for details 01204-676180
SKU: AU1028 Category:



EARS provides a quick and convenient way of checking the performance of
an audiometer and the response button prior to using it with subjects.


The Electroacoustic Auto Response System (EARS) provides accurate and consistent responses to tones and gives thresholds over the frequency range 500Hz – 8000Hz.

  • Easy To Use
  • Light & Portable
  • Fully Automatic
  • Accurate & Consistent
  • USB Powered

What can EARS offer you?

EARS provides you with the ability to quickly confirm that the sound output of your audiometer, as delivered to the earphones directly or through booth connections, is as expected. It also uniquely has a response button testing facility.


How does it do these things?

The earphones are fitted onto the colour coded mouldings, as you would to a person under test, and a cable from Ears is plugged into your audiometer response socket in place of your response button. Then run a full automatic or manual test and compare the thresholds achieved with the target values or previous results recorded.


Your response button can be plugged into the socket marked Response Unit Test on the EARS unit and correct operation confirmed by pressing and releasing the button.

Why check your audiometer?

Checking performance prior to use is recommended by the H&SE in their publication Controlling Noise at Work, in order to pick up degradation in booth sockets/cables, audiometer earphones/cables and audiometer performance.

EARS is ideal for performing this check as it provides accurate and consistent thresholds. USB power provides extra reliability as the device will never stop working during a test due to drained batteries.


Frequency Range: 500Hz – 8000Hz

  • 500Hz – 85dB
  • 1000Hz – 80dB
  • 2000Hz – 80dB
  • 3000Hz – 80dB
  • 4000Hz – 80dB
  • 6000Hz – 80dB
  • 8000Hz – 75dB

Power: USB
Size: 120 x 120 x 94mm
Weight: 450g